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International Tooling Summit
ITS 2024

The tooling industry is rapidly gaining prominence on the global stage due to its pivotal role in advancing manufacturing processes. With a surge in demand for precision tools, moulds, dies, jigs and fixtures across various sectors, the tooling industry is witnessing increased recognition for its crucial contributions to innovation, efficiency, and quality in production. The total market size of the tool room industry in India is estimated to be ~INR 23,600 crore. Interestingly, ~34% of the tooling demand is met through imports with ~80% of the imports from China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Looking at the growth in the Indian Tooling industry, TAGMA India conceptualised the ITS in 2016 to help industry come under one roof to discuss the opportunities and challenges in the industry..abi

The International Tooling Summit is India’s largest gathering for the tooling fraternity. With over 400 delegates and 35 industry speakers, attendees can network with experts, learn about the latest technology trends, and identify market opportunities. Sponsors and partners can showcase their offerings to elite professionals and decision-makers, making it the premier event for companies aiming to highlight their capabilities to potential customers.

  • This two day annual summit organized by TAGMA INDIA will highlight the following.
  • Above charges includes Participation fees ifor 2 days, Networking lunch (both days), Networking Dinner (24th Aug. 2023) and Delegate kit
  • Members Rate valid only for companies having valid membership at the time of registration.
  • Group discount of 10% for 3 or more participant from same organization
  • Tel: +91 9653427396/ +91 97694 07809
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