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Devaraya M Sheregar President

As President of TAGMA India, I am thrilled to highlight the vast opportunities in our burgeoning tooling industry. With a market size of ₹23,800 crore, our sector is expanding swiftly, signaling a bright future ahead. Our focus now turns to the global stage, where we aim to establish India as a premier tooling hub through increased exports.

At TAGMA, we are committed to fostering growth within the Indian tooling fraternity. We actively encourage and welcome suggestions that can propel us forward. I urge all companies to actively participate in TAGMA's activities. Your involvement is crucial in amplifying our reach and enhancing our membership. Together, let's shape a vibrant future for our industry.

(Excerpt taken from Mr. D. M. Sheregar’s speech at the International Tooling Summit 2023)

Devaraya M Sheregar

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